Jumapili, 30 Agosti 2015

On 04:08 by emilkitua   No comments

We started giving even before we started selling. During May 2011 we distributed educational books worth a total of TZS 2.1 Mn. to the following; Mkomazi primary school in Korogwe district, Jitengeni, Kankokoro and Uzambara primary schools in Kihurio – Same District. We also donated Additional Mathematics 1 and Civics for Secondary Schools 1 textbooks to Kihurio, Jitengeni and Kidundai Secondary schools in Same district.
The Executive Chairman – 2nd from left posing for a picture with the teachers at Mkomazi Primary School, 27 may 2011, after donating Stadi za Kazi 1 text books.

The Executive Chairman (Mr Gabriel Kitua) handing over Stadi za Kazi 1 text books at Uzambara Primary School, 27 may 2011.

The Executive Chairman, first from left, handing over the Additional Mathematics  1 and Civics 1 text books at Kihurio Secondary School, 27 may 2011.

The Mr Gabriel Kitua, the GDY Publications Executive Chairman handing over the Additional Mathematics  1 and Civics 1 text books at Jitengeni Secondary School, 27 may 2011.

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Chapisha Maoni